Maggie Pecorino as Jameson Gallagher

Maggie Pecorino as Jameson Gallagher

A 1981 “Christmas” party. High school. John Hughes. Dreams. Dancing. Fun. Fear. The future. Mostly, a toilet.

Blurring the line between fantasy and reality, STALLING is a 40-minute, fantastical escapade about how we grow up — at any age, at any time. It was born out of a desire to rediscover joy in the creative process and presented as Maggie’s thesis project at NYU.


written & directed by Maggie Pecorino
with Sam Krapels, Anastasia LeDuc, Luca Pfeiffenberger, and Nate Rosen
stage manager: Mariluna Amely
lighting design: Colleen McGrath
produced in conjunction with The Experimental Theatre Wing, NYU Tisch

Promotional art by Anna Curtis

Promotional art by Anna Curtis

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Get the party playlist here.